For my Theme I have chosen to do is about Online Safety
mainly focusing on Grooming and why it is a big part of online safety and why
people need to be careful with dealing with it as well. The reason I have
chosen to do this is because with the online world the way it is people are
getting affected by it every day without knowing who’s on the other screen saying
all of this too you it may be someone you know however it could also be someone
that does not know you and just wants to do nasty things with you so I think it’s
important for parents to at least be aware of what’s going on in the online
world but without checking their child’s pages for information about who they
are adding online.
My work is mainly going feature Photoshop with me creating a
poster on their adverting the danger of adding random people online though whatever
it may be or even listening to people and downloading something they have told
you to so I may have the poster of a girl like the one below saying something
important about how it has affected there life but have some random facts
around the side saying how it has affected people life in certain ways.
These images down below have inspired me to do about online
safety (grooming) because it’s a big problem with teens this day and age
because we live are life on the internet and we talk to thousands of people on
the internet everyday so one of them people may be trying to grooming you and
you just thing oh it’s another person I can talk to where as in there head they
know exactly what they are doing and are trying to do everything to get to ‘know’
One artsiest is Lauren Teike and she designed a whole website around online safety and specifically grooming so she is a very inspiration person with the whole online safety thing as she is telling you how to protect your self online and how parents can be more involved with there child online with out invading there personal space online so she is one artiest that inspired me.
One artsiest is Lauren Teike and she designed a whole website around online safety and specifically grooming so she is a very inspiration person with the whole online safety thing as she is telling you how to protect your self online and how parents can be more involved with there child online with out invading there personal space online so she is one artiest that inspired me.
Rick Reuben is another artist that inspired me with his piece at the bottom of the page.
This piece of work really inspired me with the fact it say'keep it are little secret' are really strong
work as the fact its there little secret suggest that they want nobody to know and this is affecting
people all of the world because they are afraid to say something about this crime

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