Monday 21 March 2016


For This project that we have started we had to choose something from a list that was given to us of topics that people find really serious like depression, online safety, human trafficking and other important topics.  
I personally choose to do online safety because it’s a real big problem right now with are generation spending most of our time in the online world it’s easy for us to talk to random people across the world and for them to lie to you and say what they want to because you can basically start again online and because you don’t know these people that’ happening you are trusting some random person and then things escalate into bigger things just because you trusted someone online. Also choose to do this because its big in the news at the moment with the Adam Johnson court case that’s happening right now with it looking like he’s going to prison for a bit all though it was not online he meet her in real life he did constantly message her on what’s app which is online.

For my proposal that I did I had to put in a lot of different things that I personally would not put in like pictures of the thing that I’m talking about but this time I did I think that I worked well I guess because this time people would instantly know what im talking about like the grooming pictures. Also in my proposal I have who inspired me to do this work which was Lauren Teike and Rick Ruben these two people were the people who inspired me to do this topic because it was this or homelessness so I did work for them both but I choose to do the online safety because there work was so good it showed me something I could do where as I found the homelessness one kind of boring.

For my schedule I found it really hard to stick to it as I’m a person that enjoys taking his time with my work and not rushing everything that’s what I felt like I was because of the schedule and trying to keep up with it was in my opinion my major fault with this project keeping up with the schedule.

For my primary research that I did I felt it would be better to ask friends and family about it instead of putting it on the Facebook group and getting random peoples answers and my questions were about if you have had experience with online grooming and have to if have known how to stop it If it had happened to you and to my surprise a lot of parents did not know how to stop it all they would do is call the police and hope they could track him down which in most cases the police would struggle to track the person down as he may be in a different country or something like that so my primary research surprised me a lot.

My secondary research that I did was probable the hardest part of it because I had to find some inspiration and after like 1 hour of looking I had found only two on the whole of the internet they were Laruen Teike a web who has a website on the matter which explains everything about it the matter and how to resolve it if it happens to you. Also you have Rick Ruben who produces posters about online safety mainly around grooming which was the topic that I chose.

(this is the link to the website)

(This is link to where I found the picture)

Also for my secondary research I did a lot of research on stories of online grooming and a lot of them are really sad as it has destroyed the kid and his/her family emotional because of what happened
This is a link of how a boy aged 13 was groomed online and the effect on the family after this whole thing happened.

I personally feel the primary research was more helpful because it really showed me that parents have no idea of what’s happening online and who their child is talking too and if something does happen they don’t know how to stop it so I feel that really persuaded me to do this project as it feel like it would help people and parents if they know who their children were talking to online as it could be anyone at all in the world. Although the secondary research really helped me as well because that’s another thing that inspired me with all the art they had produced it showed me what I could possible do with my work although I was not the same as their work it still had the same message as there’s did. So I would say the primary research was more helpful although secondary made a lot of my work.

For my preproduction work that I did I started off sketching my work before I went in to it and to be honest I dislike drawing so anything I did I personally was not happy with at all so I thought what could I do and this
was one of the sketches that I did and I went for. (Not good quality photo as it was taken by my phone)
But basically it’s the Facebook login page changed so it reflects how people see it if they are trying to groom kids online though Facebook which is a very popular way of doing it now a days in this society as basically everyone has a Facebook account even if they don’t use it as often as they use to but 9/10 people will have a Facebook account.  So this way it would allow groomers online to get a basically everyone.

To make my final piece I had to draw a map on Photoshop and this I what I did and I’m personally happy with it because I’m not a good drawer with a pencil and paper so with a mouse it was really happy with it.
This was the map I took inspiration off and tried to draw again in Photoshop.

This below is my final piece of work that I made and it has everything I wanted on it it shows of the map of people connecting across the world and the words above it says how people find Facebook with it easy to access people information about moments they share with friends on their wall basically anyone can find it if they look at your wall.

I feel like my presentation went well as I enjoy presenting things to people I enjoy talking to people about things that I have done and if I can teach someone something then I feel really happy about myself. For peer feedback I only got two people as I had not totally finished my work so I had to rush the peer feedback so I did not get as many as I wanted to because of this but the two people that did gave me very positive feedback on my work I feel.

Also we had to do about coprights and how they could possible affect us with these project as if we take a photo off of google that would be classed as plagiarism and could take us to court of it because of the whole copyright.

If I were to do this project again I first would not set myself a schedule but if I had to I would make it much looser so I have to time to work on stuff and make it to the best of my ability instead of rushing stuff trying to stay on the schedule which I feel behind in anyway so that’s the one major thing I would change.
Personally I feel like I did well on this project but I did not really enjoy doing it as I found it kind of upsetting to do  as I was just researching people and family’s life getting destroyed by random people online so that’s my main reason I didn’t enjoy this task.

My target audience for this was teens aged 13-15 as this is the age range for these groomers online typically and also its for adults/parents because it will show them that there’s a real problem and their kids are at risk of this every time they go on the internet.

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