Monday 21 March 2016

Primary research

The Primary Research that i had done for this personal project was a questionnaire asking people that i know whether they had any experience with the topic groom and asking adults whether they know how to prevent it which a lot of them didn't which surprised me as they should keep there children safe online because its such a big part of teens life now.
Below is the questionnaire that i did although i could of asked more questions i personally feel that these two questions would tell me enough for what i need for my project.


For This project that we have started we had to choose something from a list that was given to us of topics that people find really serious like depression, online safety, human trafficking and other important topics.  
I personally choose to do online safety because it’s a real big problem right now with are generation spending most of our time in the online world it’s easy for us to talk to random people across the world and for them to lie to you and say what they want to because you can basically start again online and because you don’t know these people that’ happening you are trusting some random person and then things escalate into bigger things just because you trusted someone online. Also choose to do this because its big in the news at the moment with the Adam Johnson court case that’s happening right now with it looking like he’s going to prison for a bit all though it was not online he meet her in real life he did constantly message her on what’s app which is online.

For my proposal that I did I had to put in a lot of different things that I personally would not put in like pictures of the thing that I’m talking about but this time I did I think that I worked well I guess because this time people would instantly know what im talking about like the grooming pictures. Also in my proposal I have who inspired me to do this work which was Lauren Teike and Rick Ruben these two people were the people who inspired me to do this topic because it was this or homelessness so I did work for them both but I choose to do the online safety because there work was so good it showed me something I could do where as I found the homelessness one kind of boring.

For my schedule I found it really hard to stick to it as I’m a person that enjoys taking his time with my work and not rushing everything that’s what I felt like I was because of the schedule and trying to keep up with it was in my opinion my major fault with this project keeping up with the schedule.

For my primary research that I did I felt it would be better to ask friends and family about it instead of putting it on the Facebook group and getting random peoples answers and my questions were about if you have had experience with online grooming and have to if have known how to stop it If it had happened to you and to my surprise a lot of parents did not know how to stop it all they would do is call the police and hope they could track him down which in most cases the police would struggle to track the person down as he may be in a different country or something like that so my primary research surprised me a lot.

My secondary research that I did was probable the hardest part of it because I had to find some inspiration and after like 1 hour of looking I had found only two on the whole of the internet they were Laruen Teike a web who has a website on the matter which explains everything about it the matter and how to resolve it if it happens to you. Also you have Rick Ruben who produces posters about online safety mainly around grooming which was the topic that I chose.

(this is the link to the website)

(This is link to where I found the picture)

Also for my secondary research I did a lot of research on stories of online grooming and a lot of them are really sad as it has destroyed the kid and his/her family emotional because of what happened
This is a link of how a boy aged 13 was groomed online and the effect on the family after this whole thing happened.

I personally feel the primary research was more helpful because it really showed me that parents have no idea of what’s happening online and who their child is talking too and if something does happen they don’t know how to stop it so I feel that really persuaded me to do this project as it feel like it would help people and parents if they know who their children were talking to online as it could be anyone at all in the world. Although the secondary research really helped me as well because that’s another thing that inspired me with all the art they had produced it showed me what I could possible do with my work although I was not the same as their work it still had the same message as there’s did. So I would say the primary research was more helpful although secondary made a lot of my work.

For my preproduction work that I did I started off sketching my work before I went in to it and to be honest I dislike drawing so anything I did I personally was not happy with at all so I thought what could I do and this
was one of the sketches that I did and I went for. (Not good quality photo as it was taken by my phone)
But basically it’s the Facebook login page changed so it reflects how people see it if they are trying to groom kids online though Facebook which is a very popular way of doing it now a days in this society as basically everyone has a Facebook account even if they don’t use it as often as they use to but 9/10 people will have a Facebook account.  So this way it would allow groomers online to get a basically everyone.

To make my final piece I had to draw a map on Photoshop and this I what I did and I’m personally happy with it because I’m not a good drawer with a pencil and paper so with a mouse it was really happy with it.
This was the map I took inspiration off and tried to draw again in Photoshop.

This below is my final piece of work that I made and it has everything I wanted on it it shows of the map of people connecting across the world and the words above it says how people find Facebook with it easy to access people information about moments they share with friends on their wall basically anyone can find it if they look at your wall.

I feel like my presentation went well as I enjoy presenting things to people I enjoy talking to people about things that I have done and if I can teach someone something then I feel really happy about myself. For peer feedback I only got two people as I had not totally finished my work so I had to rush the peer feedback so I did not get as many as I wanted to because of this but the two people that did gave me very positive feedback on my work I feel.

Also we had to do about coprights and how they could possible affect us with these project as if we take a photo off of google that would be classed as plagiarism and could take us to court of it because of the whole copyright.

If I were to do this project again I first would not set myself a schedule but if I had to I would make it much looser so I have to time to work on stuff and make it to the best of my ability instead of rushing stuff trying to stay on the schedule which I feel behind in anyway so that’s the one major thing I would change.
Personally I feel like I did well on this project but I did not really enjoy doing it as I found it kind of upsetting to do  as I was just researching people and family’s life getting destroyed by random people online so that’s my main reason I didn’t enjoy this task.

My target audience for this was teens aged 13-15 as this is the age range for these groomers online typically and also its for adults/parents because it will show them that there’s a real problem and their kids are at risk of this every time they go on the internet.

Monday 7 March 2016



This is my presentation for next week that i will be presenting in front of the class in kind of looking forwards to talking infront of the class however i feel like my work is really bad so i will not be looking forward to it in this instance.

Monday 1 February 2016

definition of child grooming

Online Grooming by Pedophiles. Grooming is defined as "actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, in order to lower the child's inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity with the child".

stories about grooming online safety

Over 90% of sexually abused children were abused by someone they knew
Robert Hunter, 35, used the star’s identity and other fake teenage boy personas to dazzle hundreds of child victims worldwide.
He encouraged them to strip naked and perform sex acts on webcam – then threatened them with exposure and violence if they told.
Hunter, of Middlesbrough, was finally traced by police in Tasmania after one of his young victims complained.
At Teesside Crown Court, he admitted 15 charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and 14 of making indecent photos of children. where to go if you need advice.

more research

Online grooming

Groomers can use social media sites, instant messaging apps including teen dating apps, or online gaming platforms to connect with a young person or child.
They can spend time learning about a young person’s interests from their online profiles and then use this knowledge to help them build up a relationship.
It’s easy for groomers to hide their identity online - they may pretend to be a child and then chat and become ‘friends’ with children they are targeting.
Groomers may look for:
  • usernames or comments that are flirtatious or have a sexual meaning
  • public comments that suggest a child has low self-esteem or is vulnerable.
Groomers don’t always target a particular child. Sometimes they will send messages to hundreds of young people and wait to see who responds.
Groomers no longer need to meet children in real life to abuse them. Increasingly, groomers are sexually exploiting their victims by persuading them to take part in online sexual activity.
There were 7,296 counselling sessions with young people who talked to ChildLine about online bullying and safety last year
Almost 1 in 4 young people have come across racist or hate messages online.
CEOP estimates that there were around50,000 individuals in the UK involved in downloading and sharing indecent images of children during 2012.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show police recorded a total of 372 incidents of grooming in England and Wales last year.
That was up 20 per cent on the 309 incidents recorded in 2010/11.

What Do Predators Do?

Predators who take part in child grooming often use the same tactics to reach their victims. Some of the common behaviors of the predator can include:
  • Manipulating the child’s thinking by becoming someone they think they can trust
  • Exploiting natural sexual curiosity
  • Driving a wedge between the victim and their family and friends
  • Complimenting the child often
  • Making promises of a better life
  • Asserting control over the child
  • Affirming their feelings and lending a sympathetic ear
  • Reassuring against insecurities
These behaviors are designed to build that level of trust required to allow for sexual assaults to happen. However, these predators won’t hesitate to revert to threatening behavior if they feel the child won’t comply or is second guessing the relationship.

Monday 18 January 2016


For my Theme I have chosen to do is about Online Safety mainly focusing on Grooming and why it is a big part of online safety and why people need to be careful with dealing with it as well. The reason I have chosen to do this is because with the online world the way it is people are getting affected by it every day without knowing who’s on the other screen saying all of this too you it may be someone you know however it could also be someone that does not know you and just wants to do nasty things with you so I think it’s important for parents to at least be aware of what’s going on in the online world but without checking their child’s pages for information about who they are adding online.
My work is mainly going feature Photoshop with me creating a poster on their adverting the danger of adding random people online though whatever it may be or even listening to people and downloading something they have told you to so I may have the poster of a girl like the one below saying something important about how it has affected there life but have some random facts around the side saying how it has affected people life in certain ways.

These images down below have inspired me to do about online safety (grooming) because it’s a big problem with teens this day and age because we live are life on the internet and we talk to thousands of people on the internet everyday so one of them people may be trying to grooming you and you just thing oh it’s another person I can talk to where as in there head they know exactly what they are doing and are trying to do everything to get to ‘know’ you.

One artsiest is Lauren Teike and she designed a whole website around online safety and specifically grooming so she is a very inspiration person with the whole online safety thing as she is telling you how to protect your self online and how parents can be more involved with there child online  with out invading there personal space online so she is one artiest that inspired me.

Rick Reuben is another artist that inspired me with his piece at the bottom of the page.

This piece of work really inspired me with the fact it say'keep it are little secret' are really strong 

work as the fact its there little secret suggest that they want nobody to know and this is affecting 

people all of the world because they are afraid to say something about this crime  

Brain Storm

Online safety

  • pop up adds on your computer are sometimes virus.
  • People grooming people online so they can get to know someone and potential kidnap them.
  • people grooming young children to send them picture of what they want to see.
  • people often create fake account on facebook skype or what ever and add you trying to say they are someone they are not
  • make sure you know who you add on skype as its so easy to get your IP on skype and take you off the internet for a while and other things.
  • dont listen to people telling you to download things as you could be downloading something that leaves your webcam (if you have one) on permanently so they can always see though your webcam so they can see you when your sleeping and other things.
  • For this piece of work i think it will be best presented in a poster/power point.
  •  1/3 of 9-19 year olds who go online at least once a week report having received unwanted sexual (31%) or nasty (33%) comments via e-mail, chat, IM (instant messenger) or text message. Only 7% of parents/carers think their child have received such
  • comments.
  • video link for 2 video on safety online.

Predators will:
    • Prey on teen’s desire for romance, adventure, and sexual information
    • Develop trust and secrecy: manipulate child by listening to and sympathizing with child’s problems and insecurities
    • Affirm feelings and choices of child
    • Exploit natural sexual curiosities of child
    • Ease inhibitions by gradually introducing sex into conversations or exposing them to pornography
    • Flatter and compliment the child excessively, sends gifts, and invests time, money, and energy to groom child
    • Develop an online relationship that is romantic, controlling, and upon which the child becomes dependent
    • Drive a wedge between the child and his or her parents and friends
    • Make promises of an exciting, stress-free life, tailored to the youth’s desire
    • Make threats, and often will use child pornography featuring their victims to blackmail them into silence
    • where i got the information from